Running Fluent Running Fluent on ARCHIE-WeSt . This is a simple example of Fluent which should run on ARCHIE-WeSt and take few minutes. The input files and job script are downloadable below. . . 1. Prepare input files . The following files are required to be present in the working directory (input files): fluent_input.txt valve_real_10_deg.cas job script These can be downloaded as a tar file from here. The sample input file (fluent_input.txt): rc valve_real_10_deg.cas solve/init/init solve/it/100 wc valve_real_10_deg.cas yes wd valve_real_10_deg.dat yes exit yes The job script ( will use 40 cores: #!/bin/bash #====================================================== # Job script for running Fluent on a single node #====================================================== # Propogate environment variables to the compute node #SBATCH --export=ALL # Run in the Parallel queue #SBATCH --partition=standard # Specify project account #SBATCH --account=testing # No. of tasks required (max. of 40) #SBATCH --ntasks=40 # Ensure the node is not shared with another job #SBATCH --exclusive # Specify (hard) runtime (HH:MM:SS) #SBATCH --time=00:10:00 # Job name #SBATCH --job-name=fluent_test # Output file #SBATCH --output=slurm-%j.out #====================================================== module purge module load ansys/18.1 #====================================================== # Prologue script to record job details # Do not change the line below #====================================================== /opt/software/scripts/ #------------------------------------------------------ #srun hostname -s > hosts.$SLURM_JOB_ID #Initiating Fluent and reading input journal file fluent 3d -ssh -slurm -t$SLURM_NTASKS -g -i example_1_fluent_input.txt #====================================================== # Epilogue script to record job endtime and runtime # Do not change the line below #====================================================== /opt/software/scripts/ #------------------------------------------------------ . 3. Job submission . To submit the job, type: sbatch . As a result, the following files will be produced (output files): valve_real_10_deg.cas (N.B. this over-writes the original) valve_real_10_deg.dat out.$jobID$ The output files can be downloaded as a tar file from here for comparison.