Transient CFD of flow physics and flow control in convoluted ducts Transient CFD of flow physics and flow control in convoluted ducts Dr Craig White, in the James Watt School of Engineering at the University of Glasgow is using ARCHIE-WeSt to investigate the unsteady flow features present in compressible flow through convoluted s-ducts, with application to aircraft engine intakes. The dynamic component of pressure and velocity fluctuations at the duct exit can be problematic for engines, even if the average values are acceptable to the compressor located at the end of the duct. The frequency of the flow perturbations have also been shown to affect compressor performance. The project aims at increasing the understanding of the unsteady flow features through Large Eddy Simulations. The results can be post-processed using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition, Dynamic Mode Decomposition, and Fast Fourier Transform techniques, giving information on coherent flow structures, flow modes, and flow frequencies, respectively. This information can then be used to design effective flow control strategies (e.g. plasma actuator operating frequencies) to improve the flow uniformity at the duct exit plane. For more information about the project contact Dr Craig White (, Lecturer in Aerospace Sciences at the James Watt School of Engineering, University of Glasgow. For a list of the research areas in which ARCHIE-WeSt users are active please click here.