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ARCHIE-West Specification
For Academia
Acknowledging ARCHIE
Evaluation Project
MD Training
New Project Application
Project Extension
Undergraduate Student Access
Scaling Test Request
Research Publications
Glasgow Caledonian University
University of Glasgow
University of Stirling
University of Strathclyde
University of the West of Scotland
Terms and Conditions for Academic Users
For Industry
ARCHIE-WeSt for Industry Users
Evaluation Project
New Project Application
Knowledge Exchange
Terms and Conditions for Industrial Users
Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
Predicting Wave Height through Wave Spectra Partitions and Machine Learning
Understanding the Dynamic Magnetic Field in the Solar Atmosphere
Acoustic Receivers: From Insect Ear to Next-Generation Sensor
Bioinformatics of Evolution, Microbiome Communities and Transcriptome Assembly
Coevolution of Host-Phages System
Modelling phytoplankton acclimation, diversity, and evolution using agent-based models
The genetic epidemiology of liver disease
Computational Chemistry
Biological Minimalism
Computationally Guided Ir(I) Catalyst Design for Hydrogen Isotope Exchange Reactions of Amino Acid and Peptide Molecules
Developing physics-based methods for predicting physico-chemical properties required in pharmaceutical drug discovery and manufacturing
Iridium-catalysed C-6 hydrogen isotope exchange of pyridines
Main Group Metal-Metal Bonds
Mechanistic Studies of Transition-Metal Mediated Catalysis
Mechanistic Studies on the Pauson-Khand Reaction
New Iridium-catalysed Methods for the Direct Preparation of Isotopically-labelled Compounds of Pharmaceutical Importance
Production of biofuels and bio-chemicals from solid waste
Reducing Molecular Search Spaces
Structure and Dynamics of Polystyrene Films Between Gold Surfaces: Effect of Tacticity
Studies of PVDF on surfaces
Computational Fluid Dynamics
An Investigation on Drag Reduction Capabilities of Dimpled Surfaces
Combustion Sub-Model Development Using High-Fidelity DNS Data
Complex Multi-Phase Fluid Dynamics Study in Micro-Scale Systems
Helicopter Multi-Block Code
High Resolution Compressible CFD simulations
High Speed Flow Chemistry Modelling
Meta-Modelling Approaches for Expensive Models
Multi-Scale Modeling of Heart Post-MI
Scalability and Applications of a DSMC Code
Ultra-lean and low NOx Hydrogen Combustion
Computational Fluid Dynamics in Marine Engineering
A CFD study on the narrow gap phenomenon at wind turbine docking operation
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for Dual-Fuel Marine Engines
CFD Modelling of Fouling and Biofouling Effect on Ship Hydrodynamic Performance
CFD Simulation for the Analysis of Ships Operating in Extreme Trim
CFD Simulations to Investigate the Effect of Retrofitting Technologies to Improve the Energy Efficiency of Bulk Carrier
Computational Marine Hydrodynamics
Control and / or Mitigation of the Turbulence Generated by Marine Control Surfaces
Crashworthiness Analysis of Ship Collisions and Groundings for Horizon 2020 FLARE Project WP3
Design of a Novel Riser System for Deep-water
Dynamics of a free-hanging riser
Evaluating the Structural Flexibility Effect on Ocean Energy Structures: A Study on Floating Offshore Wind Turbines (FOWTs) and Wave Energy Converters (WECs)
FSI Analysis of a Flexible Device Under VIV/Galloping Induced by Low Velocity Water Flow
Hydrodynamic Effect of Restricted Waters on Ships
Hydroacoustic Modelling of Underwater Noise
Hydrodynamics of High Performance Vessels Operating in Shallow Water
Hydrodynamic Properties of Complex Subsea Structures
Investigation of Fishing Vessel Operability for Various Loading Conditions
Modelling turbulent unsteady loading on a 2-bladed horizontal axis tidal stream turbine
Path-Following Control Problem Using CFD
Re-Designing of Modern Propellers with Biomimetic Leading-Edge Profiles
Studies of the wave interference and the wave-less vessel design
The Effects of Fouling Control Coatings and Heterogeneous Hull Roughness on Ship Resistance
The application of Biomimetic Tubercles on a Ship Hull
Unsteady RANS CFD simulations of ship maneuverability in waves
Computational Fluid Dynamics in Mechanical Engineering
CFD Simulation of Surge Onset in Centrifugal Compressors
Characterization of solid-liquid mixing in a continuous oscillatory baffled crystallizer using CFD
Computational Rheology
Enhancement of wet ammonia combustion with fuel cracking strategy
The CFD Development of Non-premixed Dual Fuel Combustion Diesel Engine injected by High-pressure Gas in the Cylinder Chamber
Transient Analysis of Safety Valves Using Fluid Structure Interaction Techniques
Improving Heat Transfer Performance Through Advanced Simulation Methods
Valve leak tightness
Computing Science
CAD-CFD Seamless Integration
FAIME: A Feature based Framework to Automatically Integrate and Improve Metaheuristics via Examples
Intelligent Decision Support and Control Technologies for Continuous Manufacturing and Crystallisation of Pharmaceuticals and Fine Chemicals – ICT-CMAC
Object Detection
Towards an Adaptive SBSE Based Approaches for Cloud Elasticity
Understanding Problem Difficulty in Heuristic Search
Digital Rendering
The Battle of Bannockburn
Earth and Space Science
Computational Thermochronology
PAOLA Space Experiment
Quantifying the Thermal Histories of Rocks Using the Helfrag Technique
Materials Science
Adsorption and Dimerization Studies of Rhodamine 6G
Biocomposite Design for Food Packaging
Chitosan Films
Computational Solid Mechanics
Damage Prediction in Ships and Offshore Structures
Effect of carbon fibres on polymer network formation
Integrated Modelling and Simulation of Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) for Additive Manufacturing
Inverse Design in Metal Oxides
Investigation of Dynamic Behaviour of Structures with Heterogeneous Materials
MD Simulation Study on Nanometric Cutting of Single Crystal Silicon at Elevated Temperatures
Mechanical Analysis of Cancellous Bone Architecture
Micro-Fracture of Cementitious Material
Numerical Modelling of the Friction Stir Welding Process
Optimization of Manufacturing Processes Through Multi-Scale Physics-Based Models
Predicting Fatigue Crack Initiation in Milled Aerospace-Grade Ti-6Al-4V Using CPFEM
Process-Structure-Property-Performance Modeling of Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V
The Spreading Dynamics of Water Droplet on Textured Surfaces
Theoretical Investigation of the Electronic and Optical properties of Solar Cells Mater
Molecular Simulation of Biological Systems
Antimicrobial Effects of Monoglycerides on Lipid Membranes
Beta-Amyloid Adsorption
Fast and Accurate Predictions of Physical-Chemical Properties of Drug-Like Molecules
Interaction of Proteins with Solid Surfaces
MD Trajectory Pocket Analysis
Molecular Modelling of Complex Aqueous Brine Solutions
Spontaneous Membrane-Translocating Peptide Adsorption
The Effect of an Oil/Water Interface on the Nucleation Kinetics and Polymorphism of Glycine
The Effect of Surface Chemistry on Protein Adsorption – an Experimental and Simulation Study
Molecular Simulation for Engineering Applications
Interfacial Properties of Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids: Electrical Double Layer, RTILs&Nanomaterials and Applications
Molecular Dynamics of Thermocapillary flows
Reverse Osmosis Membrane Design Using Molecular Dynamics
Temperature Effects on Thermal Conductivity and Viscosity of Aqueous Solutions
Photonics, Plasma and Quantum Physics
ALPHA-X : Plasma Wakefield Acceleration
Magnetic Field Topology
Many-body Dynamics in Quantum Simulators
New Twists in the Diffraction of Intense Laser Light
Novel Methods for Short Wavelength Free Electron Lasers
Photoacustic Imaging
Relativistic Plasma Physics: Laser-Driven Radiation Sources and Ultra-High Field Physics
Semi-classical Monte-Carlo Simulations of Sub-Doppler Cooling in 40K
Ultra-intense Laser-Solid Interactions: Ion Acceleration and High Field Physics
Renewable Energy
A fully Automated Optimisation of a Fully Parametric Vessel for Real World Conditions
Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis of a Multi-Bladed Tidal Turbine
Improving WEC Power Performance through Wave Channel Optimisation Approaches
Numerical Simulation of a Cylindrical Oscillating Water Column Type Wave Energy Device
Robust Design of Wind Turbines
Simulation and Experimental Study of Wave-Passing and Seakeeping for Seatrains
The Application of the Gate Rudder to Small High Speed Craft within the Wind Farm Industry
Transportation in the Air-Space
Design and trajectory optimisation for space access systems
Low-Order Modelling of Unsteady Aerofoil and Wing Flows
Modelling and Optimisation of Aircraft Operations
Optimisation Algorithm for Space Trajectory Problems
Optimisation of a Ship Wind Assisted Propulsion System
Reduced Basis Modelling for Aircraft Aerodynamics
Rocket Plumes
Trajectory Optimisation for Single-Stage-to-Orbit Vehicles
Transient CFD of flow physics and flow control in convoluted ducts
Molecular Simulation of Biological Systems