Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Superalloy Under Extreme Environment Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Superalloy Under Extreme Environment Mr Jianfeng Huang, in the School of Engineering and Built Environment at the Glasgow Caledonian University is using ARCHIE-WeSt to model and simulate Nickel alloy under extremely environmental conditions by molecular dynamics simulation with computational intelligence. The project is conducted in cooperation with the State Key Lab of Mechanical Transmission at the Chongqing University, China where the experimental analysis was performed. Fatigue, which is caused by a suddenly crack propagation under the yield stress of material, is a major and serious fault phenomenon of industry products and systems which can cause disastrous failures. This project aims to understanding the mechanism of fatigue in Nickel alloy at the microscopic level by molecular dynamics simulation associated with computational intelligence methods to fill the gap between nano-scale simulation and macro-scale experiment leading to improved fatigue resistance properties of Nickel alloys which may be applied in nuclear power plant or turbines. The Nickel alloy microstructure: left: SEM image of Inconel 740 [J. Matt. Eng. Perform. 2011, 20, 1078-83]; right: An atomic model displayed in OVITO The project has been conducted by Mr Jianfeng Huang (, at the School of Engineering and Built Environment at the Glasgow Caledonian University. For a list of the research areas in which ARCHIE-WeSt users are active please click here.