Hydroacoustic Modelling of Underwater Noise Hydroacoustic Modelling of Underwater Noise The underwater noise radiated into the marine environment by marine industrial activities and in particular shipping is an area of growing concern within the industry. The Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering is heavily involved in this emerging field, with an industry-funded PhD and a European Commission-funded research project both currently ongoing. Current research in the field of hydroacoustics is focused on complex numerical simulation of real world scenarios. The computational capability provided by the ARCHIE-West HPC facility is invaluable to the work carried out within the department. In the current research, commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software is used to predict the underwater noise radiated by ships in a realistic environment. The output is the form of ship noise spectra, as well as details of the velocity field around the ship’s hull and propeller, and example of which can be seen on Fig.1 Figure 1. Flow velocity around the propeller. The HPC facility allows for the simulations to be carried out in full scale, and for detailed results to be obtained within a time frame which would not otherwise be possible. A snapshot of partial geometry showing the high level of detail required is shown on Fig.2. This research has already given rise to one journal paper and several conference papers, and will continue to contribute to current knowledge over the completion of the PhD study and the EU research project. . Figure 2. Stern section mesh details. . For more information about the project contact Prof. Osman Turan (o.turan@strath.ac.uk), Professor at the Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering at the University of Strathclyde. For a list of the research areas in which ARCHIE-WeSt users are active please click here.