Optimization of Manufacturing Processes Through Multi-Scale Physics-Based Models Optimization of Manufacturing Processes Through Multi-Scale Physics-Based Models Additive Manufacturing is proving to be a revolutionary manufacturing process and it is making its way into all engineering industries that require high-performance and light-weight structural components. This is mainly thanks to its ability to manufacture very complex shapes that are unobtainable by conventional processes, which allows designers to be freed from manufacturing constraints and produce previously unmanufacturable components with unprecedented capabilities. Nonetheless, the fast adoption of additive manufacturing is being hindered by poor or inconsistent material performance that is highly dependent on the combination of a component’s shape and its manufacturing parameters. Computational models that relate a component’s geometry and its process parameters to performance can be an important tool to mitigate this obstacle since they could predict undesirable performance and guide the selection manufacturing parameters to prevent it. However, this is not a straightforward task due to the complex physics at different scales that impact the mechanical properties of an additively manufactured metal. The following work intends to propose a multi-physics and multi-scale modelling approach to fully digitally relate the process parameters of selective laser melted Ti-6Al-4V with its mechanical properties and structural performance. The method consists of coupling micro-scale Crystal Plasticity simulations to calculate mechanical properties with a component-scale thermal model through an analytical microstructure evolution model. We believe the developed tool could be used in optimization of process parameters and geometrical design to achieve peak performance in additively manufactured structural components. For more information about the project contact Dr Salaheddin Rahimi (salah.rahimi@strath.ac.uk), Principal Knowledge Exchange Fellow at the Advanced Forming Research Centre at the University of Strathclyde. For a list of the research areas in which ARCHIE-WeSt users are active please click here.