Investigating the Dynamic Behaviours of a Single and Multiple Falling Rigid and Oscillating Bodies in a Fluid Investigating the Dynamic Behaviours of a Single and Multiple Falling Rigid and Oscillating Bodies in a Fluid Mr Mohammed Baba Shehu from the Department of Naval Architecture Ocean and Marine Engineering at the University of Strathclyde is using ARCHIE-West to investigate the computational fluid dynamics with computational rigid and deforming oscillating body dynamics to the study of 2D and 3D single and multiple moving bodies in a fluid environment. The falling trajectories of the plate were measured numerically with state of the art CFD software simulation using overset mesh to investigate the behaviour of the falling flat plate, which can be classified as steady falling, fluttering, tumbling and chaotic motion under different conditions and Initial Orientation. The project aims to study the natural phenomenon of falling objects, since most falling objects, however, encounter unsteady aerodynamic or hydrodynamic forces as they fall in air or water. As a result, the problem of a rigid body falling through a viscous fluid has recently attracted some attention, especially with the help of computational fluid dynamics. However, it is fair to say that many important aspects of this phenomenon are still not well understood.In particular, there is relatively little insight into the study of Multi-body and deforming oscillating body dynamics. For more information about this project, contact Mr Mohammed Baba Shehu (, PhD Research Student at the Department of Naval Architecture Ocean and Maine Engineering at the University of Strathclyde, or Dr Zhiming Yuan ( Lecturer at the Department of Naval Architecture Ocean and Marine Engineering at the University of Strathclyde. For a list of the research areas in which ARCHIE-WeSt users are active please click here.