CAESES-FFW CAESES-FFW CAESES® Free is a free version of the commercial CFD integration platform CAESES / FRIENDSHIP-Framework (FFW) which has been developed for simulation-driven design of flow-exposed surfaces. It offers comprehensive parametric CAD functionality, CFD integration and post-processing features. Feel free to use this edition even for commercial work without any limitation. CAESES is addressed for: Users of both open source and commercial CFD codes to bridge the gap between geometric modeling, geometry variation and CFD analysis Developers of CFD tools and researchers in fluid dynamics to use CAESES® Free as their front end for code validation, result comparison and parametric studies of CFD settings and design variants CFD consultants to utilize CAESES® Free as a convenient environment to showcase the product improvements they could achieve CFD users to accelerate their CFD preprocessing tasks Entrepreneurs to generate new business by developing parametric models, optimization set ups and automation features and, thus, position themselves as consultants to users of the pro edition CAESES/FFW Anyone who is interested in parametric modeling for more complex free-form surfaces