Crashworthiness Analysis of Ship Collisions and Groundings for Horizon 2020 FLARE Project WP3 Crashworthiness Analysis of Ship Collisions and Groundings for Horizon 2020 FLARE Project WP3 Ship collisions and grounding show highly nonlinear structure responses involving bucking, plasticity, crushing and rupture along with strain rate effects. Therefore, the nonlinear finite element method (NLFEM) is required to capture precise results for damage extent of structural crashworthiness analyses. Therefore, Prof Dracos Vassalos and Mr Hongseok (Elvis) Bae, in the Maritime Safety Research Centre (MSRC) of the Department of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering at the University of Strathclyde, are conducting crashworthiness analysis about ship collisions and groundings for the enhancement of ship survivability and their innovative design utilising ARCHIE-WeSt. The research project has been carried out under the EU H2020 project FLARE (FLooding Accident Response, Grant Number 814753) with additional supports from DNV and Royal Caribbean Group as sponsors of the MSRC. The FLARE project is aiming at a risk-based methodology for “live” flooding risk assessment and control by developing a generic (all incidents in one model) and holistic (active and passive measures) risk model with potential application to new buildings and, which is totally new, to existing ships. Innovative technical solutions in ship concepts and equipment for risk containment and control will be accompanied by proposals for the revision of relevant IMO regulations towards a risk-based approach to contain and control risk in passenger ships from flooding incidents, thereby significantly contributing to the safety of both passenger and ship. The FLARE consortium comprises key stakeholders from industry, academia and policymakers, involved in ship flooding risk research as a Group for over twenty years. For more information about the FLARE project, please contact Prof Dracos Vassalos (, who is a Principal Investigator of the FLARE project or hongseok (Elvis) Bae (, who is conducting crashworthiness analysis of the FLARE project along with PhD research. For a list of the research areas in which ARCHIE-WeSt users are active, please click here.