Application for Access to HPC Resources for Undergraduate Project Students Application for Access to HPC Resources for Undergraduate Project Students This is available to University of Strathclyde students only. The form below should be completed by the supervisor of undergraduate students who require access to the University High Performance Computing resources. Undergraduate students can access the 256 core “wee-archie” cluster. N.B. Supervisors are responsible for the provision of HPC training to undergraduate students. The training material available at the following locations can be used: Particular attention should be paid to the supplementary information that highlights the differences between the main ARCHIE system and wee-archie: Access will only be granted to users after they have completed the Wee-archie Access Quiz on MyPlace Account activation is a manual process and will only take place during office hours, after successful completion of the online Quiz. The online quiz is available at Undergraduate access to ARCHIE will be expired at the end of each academic year. Supervisors will need to re-apply if further access is required. Application for Access to HPC Resources for Undergraduate Project Students Supervisor Details Title * ProfDr Status * Research FellowLecturerSenior LecturerReaderProfessor First Name * Last Name * Email * Undergraduate Project Class Details Department * ArchitectureBiomedical EngineeringChemical & Process EngineeringCivil & Environmental EngineeringComputer & Information SciencesDesign, Manufacture & Engineering ManagementEconomicsElectronic & Electrical EngineeringInstitute of PhotonicsManagement ScienceMathematics & StatisticsMechanical & Aerospace EngineeringNaval Architecture, Ocean and Marine EngineeringPhysicsPure & Applied ChemistryStrathclyde Institute of Pharmacy & Biomedical Sciences Classcode * For summer students use an appropriate studentship ID. Software Required * Do these students require access to GPUs ? No Yes DS user ID's * Please enter the DS user ID's of all students requiring access List of DS user ID's of students requiring GPU access (If all require access, simply enter "ALL"): Have some of the above students had access in previous years? * Yes No Training & Terms and Conditions * I agree to arrange training for these students and ensure they adhere to the relevant sections of the ARCHIE-WeSt terms and conditions. Terms and Conditions of using ARCHIE-WeSt published here. If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit