ARCHIE-WeSt Showcase Meeting 10:00am – 2.00pm, Wed 11th of September 2024 University of Strathclyde, Room SW204, Stenhouse Wing ARCHIE-WeSt is the regional Supercomputing Centre for the west of Scotland, based at the University of Strathclyde. ARCHIE-WeSt has been very successful, by supporting over 900 users, 500 of which have been PhD students, and facilitating over 500 publications. This workshop aims to cover as broad a range of the activity facilitated by ARCHIE-WeSt as possible and will provide opportunity for discussion and networking. If you would like to bring a poster to highlight your work which uses ARCHIE, then please complete the appropriate section in the registration form below. Registration is now closed. Keynote Presentation Compute to Compete University of Strathclyde Motorsport Programme 10:00-10:10WelcomeDr Paul Mulheran, Director, ARCHIE-WeStIntroductory RemarksProfessor Patricia Connolly, Deputy Associate Principal, Research & Knowledge Exchange10:10-10:30Compute to CompeteUniversity of Strathclyde Motorsport10:30-11:15ARCHIE presentation session 110:30 -10:45Solar plasma physics and space weather.Dr David MacTaggart, School of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Glasgow10:45-11:00Genome wide association analyses using ARCHIE-WeStDr Hamish Innes, School of Health and Life Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University11:00-11:15Turbulence Mitigation with Deep Learning for Image RecognitionMr David Vint, Electronic And Electrical Engineering, University of Strathclyde11:15-11:45Coffee & posters11:45-12:45ARCHIE presentation session 211:45-12:00An Overview of ARCHIE-WeStDr Richard Martin, HPC Manager, ARCHIE-WeSt12:00-12:15Incorporating Micro Data into Macro Models using Pseudo Vector AutoregressionDr Ping Wu, Department of Economics, University of Strathclyde12:15-12:30Big Data, Big Molecules: The Computational Chemistry of PolyoxoanionsDr Laia Vila-Nadal, School of Chemistry, University of Glasgow12:30-12:45Closing remarks & discussion12:45-14:00Lunch & posters