Best Industrial/Application Paper Award NAOME Paper Receives “Best Industrial/Application Paper Award” at TRA 2014 Yigit Kemal Demirel and Professor Turan with the Co-ordinator and Technical Manager of FOUL-X-SPEL Project Yigit Kemal Demirel, a PhD student from the Department of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering (NAOME) at University of Strathclyde who is supervised by Professors Osman Turan and Atilla Incecik, received “Best Industrial/Application Paper Award” at the Transport Research Arena (TRA) 2014 in Paris, France. Yigit is currently working on the EU FP7 FOUL-X-SPEL Project (Environmentally Friendly Antifouling Technology to Optimise the Energy Efficiency of Ships, Project number 285552, FP7-SST-2011-RTD-1) as part of the University of Strathclyde’s research team, led by Professor Osman Turan. Yigit presented a full paper to TRA 2014 entitled “CFD Approach to Resistance Prediction as a Function of Roughness” which was generated as part of the aforementioned project. TRA 2014 was not only a research conference, but an arena which brought together European stakeholders from all areas of transport and transport-related activities. The scope of the conference encompasses all modes of surface transport. Over 600 papers from 4 transport modes were presented at TRA 2014. The paper was selected as the Best Paper in the ‘Industrial Application Category’. Professor Turan, who accompanied Yigit to the Conference and Awards Ceremony in Paris, said “It is a great achievement for the Strathclyde team and particularly Yigit to be awarded by such an important organisation. It is a fantastic motivation for him to continue his hard work and excellent research. Such an award is an example of the world leading research activities in NAOME and we have already published this work in a highly-rated journal and I believe it will make an excellent contribution to the field”. Yigit and Professor Turan with the other award winning participants Yigit and Professor Turan Paper: Demirel, Y.K., Khorasanchi, M., Turan, O. and Incecik, A. (2014). CFD approach to resistance prediction as a function of roughness. Proceedings of Transport Research Arena Conference 2014. 14 – 17 April 2014, Paris La Défense, France. For more information about the conference, conference proceedings and the award visit: